Thursday, October 31, 2019

Laboratory Report of an experiment on Optical Fibre Transmission Lab

Laboratory of an experiment on Optical Fibre Transmission - Lab Report Example Optical fibre is popular as a global means of telecommunication. The study of the signal generation and wavelength regulation in fibre optic systems is vital in the design and improvement of systems by optimizing the configuration properties. Fibre Optic communication system uses the physical principle of light reflection. As light travels through various media, depending on the density of the medium, the light goes through total internal reflection. This takes place when light is propagated inside a transmission medium with a greater optical density than that of the medium outside. This property depends on the difference of the speed of light inside various mediums. The ratio of the speeds between the mediums and the speed of light in a vacuum is referred to as the refractive index of that specific material or the medium. In this model, N1 is the refractive index of material 1 and N2 is the refractive index of material 2 which the light passes through. Angle ÃŽ ¸1 represents the angle of incident while ÃŽ ¸2 represents the angle of refraction in the boundary between the two light transmitting materials. When light moves from a medium with a higher refractive index than that of a lower refractive index, the angle of refraction can be shown to be 90Â º at critical angle ÃŽ ¸c. This is represented in the model below. Above the incident angle, in the boundary between the materials of higher refractive index and that of low refractive index, there is a total internal reflection of the light. Therefore, the fibre is made as thin as possible to maximize the size of the incident angle and ensure that it is always higher than the critical angle. Even though it is possible to direct the inside an optical fibre, it is vital to decide on the way the input signal ought to be reduced on the basis of its frequency of that signal. This is a safe way of transmission in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Revolution Politically Considered Essay Example for Free

Revolution Politically Considered Essay The word Maccabean comes from Judas Maccabeus, the leader of the Jewish revolt against Syria which took place from 167 – 160 B. C. E. In 2nd Maccabees 15 v 30 he is described as â€Å"The perfect champion of his fellow citizens. † The story is recorded in the Apocryphal Biblical Books Ist and 2nd Maccabees, the sources written closest in time to the events and to a lesser extent by the Jewish 1st century C. E. historian Flavius Josephus in his Antiquities ( Books XII and XIII) who wrote some 200 years later. Martin Cohen ( The Hasmonean Revolution Politically Considered,1975, page 21) describes all three of authors, those of the Maccabean books and Josephus, as being overly partisan and seems to be saying that the so called sinners weren’t as black as they are painted. Some might say however that his article is in danger of going too far the other way in parts. The name means ‘hammer’ and was used to describe Judas’ immense strength. It was then taken as a name by his brothers, two of whom succeeded him, and other followers. The conflict had been stirred when, after a period of increasing Hellenisation, Syrian ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes gave orders forbidding certain Jewish customs and practices and turned the Temple into a shrine for the pagan god Zeus – the idol the Jews refer to as ‘the abomination of desecration’ mentioned in Daniel 11. Judas Maccabeus and his followers incited a revolt. In 164 B. C. E they were able to regain control of the Temple, which was then cleansed and rededicating to the God of Israel. To this day Jews celebrate the feast of Hanukkah to recall these events. The story ends with the death of Nicanor in 2 Maccabeans 15 and also the idea of dedicating a special day to its remembrance- the thirtieth day of the twelfth month. The use of the menorah, the seven branched candlestick, is a reminder of the same events. Members of Judas’ family, the Hasmoneans, continued to rule in Israel until the Romans arrived in force in 63 B. C. E. Ist Maccabees was originally written in Hebrew, but that version is now lost and the text used is taken from the Greek Septuagint. The book is set in the period of Greek rule and covers the period of revolt from 175 to 134 B. C. However it also describes how many Hebrews actually welcomed the coming of Greek customs, even to the extent of trying to pass themselves off as Greeks. In 1st Maccabees 1 v 15 the writer tells how some were trying to hide the marks of circumcism i. e. the very mark of their Jewishness. In 2nd Maccabees the events are again related, but this time seemingly with the intention of showing God’s continued care for his people. It begins by urging Alexandrian Jews to keep the feast of Hanukkah and looks back at the events that led up to the first celebration. At the same time it castigates several people – the Hellenistic Jewish priests, in particular including High Priest Jason who was said to have sent money for statue of Herakles, something Martin Cohen ( Page 15 ) sees as a bribe rather than as a genuine donation because of faith.. Robert Doran ( 2006, The revolt of the Maccabees) looked for historic similarities and likened it to the modern day insurgency in Iraq. He tells how for the first years of Seleucid rule there were no major problems between the two groups. He describes the main problem as being about Jewish identity and who controls that definition. He makes the point that some would not have considered Jason to be a Jew at all, whereas he, as Jewish high priest, presumably did. He cites 20th century Jewish scholars Elias Bickermann and Victor Tchenikover who put the blame not on the Seleucids, but upon the Jewish leaders of the time. While I Maccabees blames the Seleucid leader, it has been pointed out by scholars such as Otto Morkholm (Antiochus IV of Syria, 1966) that in general he supported local cultures. The writer of 2nd Maccabees blames the institution of Greek education, even though there were a number of years between the opening of the Greek school and the revolt. The truth seems to be that when a villager from Modein, the Hasmonean home town, went to make sacrifices, Mattathias, the father of Judas, struck him with his sword. The family then fled, but also began a campaign of throwing down the pagan alters that they found and killing those who opposed what they felt was right. By the opening of 2nd Maccabees the father had died and it is Judas who is leading the revolutionaries. There are other major differences between the accounts, namely with regard to fighting on the Sabbath. This happens in the first book, but not in the second. According to Doran, in what seems to be a quite objective account ( page 107), upon the death of Antiochus his successor seems, to have let the matter stand, with the Hasmoneans in charge in Jerusalem. However the revolution was spreading to other areas. Jerusalem became the center for a general revolt against Seleucid rule. In 162 B. C. E. Judas finally lost control of the Temple area and was killed. Josephus describes in the opening words of his second book about the period, (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 13) how, after the death of Judus Maccabeus ‘all the wicked, and those that transgressed the laws of their forefathers, sprang up again in Judea. ’ And so the battles continued under new leadership. However soon after this the Seleucid Empire began to crumble because of its own internal divisiveness and Simon, brother of Judas, was able to expel the Seleucids. He was recognized as high priest of Judea in 140 B. C. E. So what had begun as a religious protest ended up as the basis for an independent kingdom – at last for a while. Martin Cohen took a new look at the events portrayed in the scriptures. He sees it as much as an internal fight among Jews as a revolt against foreign rule. He states (page 26) that Antiochus believed that no Jewish group was capable of holding the peace. He had trouble elsewhere and this is why he came down hard, turning Jerusalem into a fortress and he also removed the power of the Jewish constitution. This turned many into revolutionaries. If they had no Jewish law how could they be Jewish? Cohen describes how the revolt has often been viewed as a class struggle between the Hellenistic rulers and the ordinary people, despite the fact that there seems to have been grass roots support of Hellenisation. The Maccabees were not just non Hellenistic however, they were totally anti – Hellenistic, not just for themselves, but for Judaism as such. Cohen points out that the two accounts are both conflicting and inadequate and that the facts cited by Jewish historian Josephus don’t add a great deal to historic knowledge. He also describes how the Jewish Hellenistic aristocracy were very small in number. If they had not had popular support then the Selucid would have had to come down hard. Right from the beginning. The priests concerned are condemned in passages such as 2nd Maccabees 4 v 11 and 14. In the former passage they are accused of adding to the Pentateuch. The Pentateuch was scripture, but it was also the basis for all Jewish life. At the time of the revolution religion and politics, as far as the Jewish people were concerned were one and the same thing. But the Hellenistic Jews did not deny Judaism and the priests amongst them continued with their sacrificial roles, which they do not seem to have considered as being in opposition to their Hellenistic practices. Conclusion Whatever the truth of the matter regarding the origins of the revolt and wherever the true blame should lie, essentially this was about preserving Judaism as it had been for hundred of years and was about defining what is a Jew an argument that can still be seen to be going on, even if sometimes in silence, in the differences to be observed daily in the 21st century between those who call themselves Orthodox Jews and others of the same faith and race, believers and otherwise. Works Cited Bible, King James, â€Å"2nd Maccabees†, Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia 12th May 2010, Libraryhttp://etext. virginia. edu/toc/modeng/public/Kjv2Mac. html Bible, Revised Standard Version, â€Å"Ist Maccabees†, National Council of Churches of Christ in America 12th May 2010, http://quod. lib. umich. edu/cgi/r/rsv/rsv-idx? type=DIV1byte=4219672 Cohen Martin, â€Å"The Hasmonean Revolution Politically Considered: Outline of a New Interpretation,† The Journal of the Central Conference of American Rabbis , (Fall 1975 ): 13-34 Doran , Robert, â€Å"The Revolt of the Maccabees â€Å" The National Interest ( September –October 2006):99, 100 Josephus , â€Å"Antiquities of the Jews† , Book XII ,12th May 2010, http://www. ccel. org/j/josephus/works/ant-12. htm Josephus , â€Å"Antiquities of the Jews† , Book XIII 12th May 2010 http://www. ccel. org/j/josephus/works/ant-13. htm Morkholm, Otto,† Antiochus IV of Syria†, Classica et Mediaevalia Dissertationes VIII, Copenhagen. 1966

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Looking At Internet Crimes Against Children Media Essay

Looking At Internet Crimes Against Children Media Essay The internet is a fundamental resource that provides adults and children with opportunities for learning, entertainment and communication. But how hard is it to use the internet? Any child that is old enough to find a letter on a keyboard can access the World Wide Web. New technologies provide number of ways to communicate, and youth of today have mastered those techniques. The world of computers and internet is constantly expanding and changing, and it is not unusual if a child might know more about some software or website than a parent. But, the truth is that a child does not know that one of these technologies might have a negative impact on his/her moral values and behavior. As great of a resource as internet is, sometimes it might be used for illegal activities such as sexual exploitation, harassment, and pornography. The sad thing is that the victims of these activities are mostly children. Thats why in this research paper, I am going to focus on internet crimes against children, measures that should be taken to prevent these crimes, and punishment for those who commit them. Pornography and Children as a Target First of all, how often are children exposed to sexually explicit material on the internet? Unfortunately, any child that has access to the internet may come in contact with sexually explicit material. They do not even have to know the name of the URL of the website to view pornography on the internet. Most of the youth today are familiar with search engines such as google and yahoo, and it is really simple to type in something that might contain sexually explicit words and get at least ten thousand results in return. The study of adolescents ages fourteen to seventeen has been done, and it shows that most of the children came to exposure to pornographic material accidentally or unintentionally. Sometimes they would get e-mails with links to unknown or unfamiliar websites, and out of curiosity they would click on the link, which brought them to a page that contained pornographic material. Some exposures to the pornographic material are intentional and are done mostly by teens in puberty with the purpose of pleasure. So how often do children view pornographic material on the internet? An online survey was carried out which included 500 students, and 72.8 percent reported that they viewed sexually explicit material on the internet before the age of eighteen. Most children that intentionally viewed pornography in on the web in the past are likely to do it again almost every time they get a chance. This happens when parents are not around, and it even happens in random places that have computers and access to the internet such as public schools and libraries. Impact of Online Pornographic Material on Children It influences the moral values and sexual attitudes of youth. It changes the way children think about sex. They start perceiving sex only as pleasure, not thinking about consequences that might arise such as unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Children that view pornography are more likely to become sexually active earlier that children that do not. One of the ethical issues that arises is questioning if pornography should exist on the web or not, since it obviously has a negative impact on youth. Well, in this case the three of workable ethical theories could be applied to analyze the problem, and decide if having pornographic material on the internet is fair. Lets look at Kantians 2ndFormulation of Categorical Imperative, which states that people should never treat other people as a means to an end. So when a new website is uploaded to the server, people are not forced to view that website. Since no one is forced to do so, it can be said that in this case people are not being used as a means to an end. But, here we are talking about children and youth as victims of being exposed to sexually explicit material on the Web. Well, thats up to the parents to take part and get familiar with activities that their children are doing online. We can also apply Utilitarianism to analyze the issue of pornography on the internet. First of all, we have to consider who benefits and who is being harmed by presence of pornographic material on the Web. Porn industry has great benefits from their websites being available to the people on the internet. For them, it is a way advertising their products and making money as well. There are also a lot of adults who benefit from it because they view it for their pleasure. Children and youth are being harmed by their actions because sexually explicit material influences their moral values and sexual attitudes. In this case its hard to tell if there are more people who benefit then people who are being harmed by presence of pornography on the Web. On the other hand, it is easy to tell that there are greater benefits on pornographic material being on the internet. Utilitarianism does not mean the good of the greatest number, therefore having pornography on the Web is fair. Now lets look at Social Contract Theory, and how it approaches having pornographic material on the internet. Most of the pornography pages now days have their policy listed for users before they can access the page. It has the terms of use, and users have a choice to exit if they have any obligations. At the bottom of any pornography page, there is a warning that urges users to exit the page if they are under the age of eighteen. So this is one of the ways for porn industry to guard themselves against any opposition and illegal activities. Having the warning label, they are following the US law, which gives them legal rights to upload their websites to the server. So according to the Social Contract theory, it is acceptable to have pornography containing material on the internet. Pornography on the internet is not the only issue that arises with easy accessibility to the World Wide Web. Whats more of an issue is that some people are using the Web for sexual exploitation. Online Sexual Exploitation Easy access to the internet has led to increased exposure of children to online sexual exploitation exposure of children to online predators. Most of the children that are victims of online sexual exploitation are under the age of seventeen. A year-long survey has been conducted in 2001, which analyzed 129 Internet-initiated sex crimes. It involved victims age seventeen or younger, and it found that 74 percent of those victims actually met with the predator. What is even more heartbreaking is that 93 percent of those occurred meetings involved sexual contact. Are girls and boys equally exposed to online sexual exploitation? It was assumed that girls are at higher risk and are more likely to fall victims to online sexual exploitation than boys. Well, this turned out to be true confirming that seventy-five percent of victims included in the survey from 2001 were girls. Online Predators Today there are more ways than ever to find a mate, but sometimes search for love can be devastating. When it comes to potential of meeting new mates, nothing compares to the internet. Most of the time, the danger of this modern way of dating can be ignored. There are also situations where people involved in online dating might be in it for love. Well, these people are known to our community as online predators. So where do online predators come from, and is it easy to tell who might be online predator by their physical appearance? Online predators come in different shapes and sizes, and have different expectations from their victims. Social status does not matter when it comes to determining who might a potential online predator. They come from all backgrounds, and are not easily detectable. They might seem like respectable members of the community, which of course can be deceiving to many of us. Who would ever come to thinking that an online predator might be a teacher, fireman, ph ysician, former military personnel or a successful businessman, but the cases of these have been reported. A reality television show To Catch a Predator was featured on NBC, and there was an episode where a high school teacher, caught on hidden cameras, showed up to a meeting, which he thought he arranged with an under aged girl. There was no under aged involved, instead police officer was posing as a thirteen year old. He was caught and trialed thanks to the effort of the police and enough evidence collected by hidden cameras. There was also one case were a former military officer was involved in online sexual exploitation. He was also caught and sentenced to serve time in jail. Most of the time when online predators get caught; they are publically humiliated and sentenced to prison time. The prison time depends on the severity of the case, and it ranges from two to twelve years. Some predators were just placed on probations because they did not make sexual contact with their victims, but did set up the meeting which they never showed up to. They were also ordered to pay a big fine. Bullying and Harassment on the Internet Communication technologies such as social-networking websites like MySpace and Facebook have led to rapid growth of teens harassing their peers. In 2005, a survey was conducted, and it has been found that almost thirty percent of youth have harassed their peers via the internet. Seventeen percent of those have harassed the others multiple number of times. The survey was also done with the purpose to show the incidence of children being bullied on cyberspace. It showed that thirty-two percent of 900 teens under the age of seventeen have been harassed when using MySpace, Facebook or instant messaging. What is heartbreaking is that cyber-bullying may lead to a tragic end sometimes. A 13 year old girl committed suicide after being cyber-bullied by her neighbor who pretended to be a teenage boy. It turned out that he was an adult, and of course he had to pay for his actions. Measures Parents are taking to prevent Their Children from Internet Crimes Although kids feel like they are aware of dangers of using the internet, in reality, they are naive when it comes to online communications. The following are measures that parents should take to prevent their children from becoming a victim. Parents need to become familiar with their childrens online activities. There is software that comes with Windows 7 and Windows Vista, or that can be downloaded for free such as Windows Live Family Safety Setting. Most of the social-networking sites have policies that require users to be thirteen years or older. If a child is not old enough to fulfill that requirement, parents should not let them use it. Some parents educate their kids about the dangers of online chatting, and set certain expectations from their children. Many parents are taking part in becoming familiar with who their kids talk to when they use chat rooms. They are also educating their children to stay in public areas of chat room since many chat rooms allow for one on one commu nication in chat rooms private area. Parents are also encouraged to keep their computers in most common areas of the house so that they can monitor their kids when theyre online. Since there are potential risks of email, many parents are setting up family emails, which their kids can use as well. This is one of the ways to protect their kids from being exposed to pornographic material contained in emails. They also urge their kids not to open any unknown emails reducing the risk of internet related crimes. Some also have passwords to their childrens social networking sites, which enables them to check the messages. There are options which allow parents to use parental controls, and other setting and preferences. Another way of monitoring that same parents use are is spy software. A Spybot by Brickhouse Security was advertised on CNN, which enables parents to monitor everything their children do on the internet. Its easy to install, undetectable, and the kids will never know its there. Internet Crimes against Children and Law Enforcement The expansion of the computers and internet has played a major role in sex crimes being committed against children and youth. The new communication technologies created new challenges for Law Enforcement to come up with new investigation techniques, and handle the crimes done on internet. The federal government has increased funding in the effort to prevent internet related crimes. They created Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, which supports state and local law enforcement agencies in fight against internet crimes. Internet crimes are divided into three categories. Internet Crimes Against Identified Victims, which involves production of child pornography and other internet related crimes committed against identified victims. Then there Internet Crimes Against Unidentified Victims, which involves undercover law enforcement posing as minors in chat rooms. And the third category of internet crimes deals with offenders who are involved in possession, trade or distribution of Internet Child Pornography not using the internet to sexually exploit identified victims or solicit undercover investigators. Most of the arrests are made against offenders who commit crimes against identified victims. Sixty-seven percent of the arrests involved offenders who possessed child pornography. Eighty-three percent had images of children mostly ages 6 to 12, and 80 percent of those images showed sexual contact between minors and adults. Majority of offenders were non-Hispanic white males over 25 years of age. Eighty-five percent of arrests involved state, local or county law enforcement agencies, 46 percent had agencies operating on federal level. Moral Question Related to Online Predators and Law Enforcement Is it ok for Law Enforcement Agencies to set up traps in which online predators can fall into? According to all three workable ethical theories, it is ok for law enforcement to pose as minors in order to catch a predator. Minors are being used as a means to an end since predators introduce themselves as cute teenage boys. Minors do not benefit from these kinds of actions, and they get to live with the fact that they were sexually abused by an adult. On the other hand, predators get pleasure from these actions. So there is greater bad than good in it. Social Contract Theory approves actions of law enforcement because they are dealing with someone who shows up to the meeting ad forces a minor into something that they do not want to do. As we could see, Internet use has become widespread. Some use with the purpose of sexual exploitation of children and distribution of child pornography, while some use it to harass their peers. These kinds of activities have created concerns among parents, lawmakers, educators and law enforcement agencies. Parents have taken part in educating their children about dangers of internet crimes. Despite all these measures, internet crimes against children are still present, and law enforcement agencies are operating on local, state and federal levels to catch those committing these crimes, and preventing internet related crimes from happening as well.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Catcher In The Rye Essay -- essays research papers

Innocence, Compassion, and some ‘Crazy’ Cliff A novel, which has gained literary recognition worldwide, scrutiny to the point of censorship and has established a following among adolescents, The Catcher in the Rye is in its entirety a unique connotation of the preservation of innocence and the pursuit of compassion. With certain elegance the writer J.D. Salinger, substantiates the growth and perils, which lie between childhood and adulthood. Embellishing the differentiation between innocence and squalor in the grasps of society. The bridge that lies between these contrasting themes are personified through the novel’s protagonist, Holden Caul-field and his visualization of a cliff, which depicts a dividing point between the evident beginning and end. The connection, which binds this gap in reality, was made clear through a new found compassion, consummating Holden’s place in society through the realization of his surroundings from which he successfully cross es over. Focusing on the rebellious and confused actuality of adolescents stuck between the innocence of childhood and the corruptness of the adult world, this novel strikes a cord, which most adolescents can relate. The essence of the story The Catcher in the Rye follows the forty-eight hour escapade of sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield, told through first person narration. After his expulsion from Pency, a fashionable prep school, the lat-est in a long line of expulsions, Holden has a few confrontations with his fellow students and leaves shortly after to return to his hometown, New York City. In the heart of New York City, Holden spends the following two days hiding out to rest before confronting his parents with the news. During his adventures in the city he tries to renew some old acquaintances, find his significance in the adult world, and come to grips with the head-aches he has been having lately. Eventually, Holden sneaks home to visit his sister Phoebe, because alone on th e streets he feels as if he has no where else to turn. Children are the only people with whom Holden can communicate with throughout the novel, not because they can help him with his growing pains but because they remind him of a simpler time (his inno-cence), which he wishes he could return. The trials of the adult world wear down Holden’s vision of a place in society, portraying innocence as a form of retreat from a confusin... ..., Salin-ger began publishing again and featured his stories in the Saturday Evening Post and Collier’s. By 1951, Salinger has established his reputation exclusively in The New Yorker and the popularity of his work was emerging among college students. And so, he re-leased The Catcher in the Rye, after working on and off on it for ten years. Although it was not an immediate hit it did give Salinger an increasing critical praise and respect. Eventually, as critical acclaim grew, the letters, autograph seekers, and interview-ers began hunting him down and so he became annoyed and moved to Cornish, New Hampshire, where he has lived ever since. While secluding himself from the rest of the world Salinger began work on Nine Stories, which includes a number of published short stories and introduces the Glass family, the central figures of his later works. Nine Sto-ries was published in 1953, after which Salinger published four lengthy short stories about the problems of the extreme ly bright and overly sensitive children of the Glass family. The books in this short story collection include Franny and Zooey (1961), and Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction (1963).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Original Writing – Prose: A day in the life of Lauryn-Emily Jones!

I woke up feeling worried about the day before me, The other staff members had warned me that Thursday was always the worst day but refused to tell me why. Since Monday I had been working in the oncology outpatients department of the city hospital and so far had dealt with all the different emotions adequately. It was hard work not because of the jobs I had to do but because seeing people in and out everyday either recently being told they had cancer or having suffered for years they were still sad when they got bad news and happy when they got good so all the emotions were mixed up. When I walked in on Thursday morning just before nine as I had for the past three days things looked normal. The walls which had been freshly painted were looking bright and fresh and all the staff still looked happy and were smiling so I hoped it was going to be a good day. I went behind reception and there was nothing to do so I stood and watched the people. Most were quite old but all had someone with them for support. I wished silently that everyone that day would get good news but I knew deep down that it was not going to happen and I felt a slight pain in my heart for all the people sitting there, Who were not lucky enough to be seen by some of the best doctors in the world. The disease that was slowly killing could be cured in some cases but it also had lots of side effects to go with it including hair loss, feeling sick at most times, plus the risk of killing too many good cells while killing the bad ones and being in great pain a lot of the time. As I stood thinking about all these things something suddenly popped into my head, What about all the people that did get better? These people included my own Nan who had suffered with throat cancer for a long time but was now cured? This is the proof that these treatments although terrible did work and that even if someone is diagnosed with cancer things can get better. I carried on looking around when a little girl who I later found out was only four came running in, She seemed to know her way around the department and as I looked I realized she did not have very much hair and then I saw her mother. She was a feeble looking woman in a wheel chair; Her husband was pushing her along as she was too weak to do it herself. I decided to talk to this wonderful family and found out the mother had been diagnosed with cancer not long after the doctors told her their daughter had a brain tumour and without a lot of operations and radiotherapy would not live very long and if she did she would be very weak for a lot of her life so may not enjoy it as much as she could. I watched the girl. She was very small and thin and she had tiny patches of hair on her head where the chemotherapy and radiotherapy had made it fall out. Her mother said she had a cancer which they could not specify because it was a mixture of two and she had to have more tests until they could find out. The little girl continued to run around and say hello everyone always keeping a massive smile on her face! This made me smile and I noticed that her father was a very strong man who obviously loved them very much. They soon had to go as the little girl had to have some more radiotherapy. As soon as they went I decided to see what I could find out about radiotherapy. I was told that if a child has to have radiotherapy they get fitted for a mask which fits right over their face, head and neck this is then sent to be made into plastic mask. When the mask is sent back and the child is ready for the radiotherapy, because they can not stay still enough the mask is put over their face with only two little holes for breathing as eye holes are too dangerous. The mask is bolted tightly to the table to stop the child moving because the equipment they use is just a small laser. Unlike chemotherapy it can only be used on the affected part of the body to kill the cells and not on other parts of the body as it kills too many cells and can be very harmful. I stood and thought about this for a minute and wondered whether I would be able to cope with this and how that lively, amazing little girl could cope with it and was told by the lady who does the radiotherapy that most of the time patients have to be put to sleep because they get too distressed by the mask. This thought frightened me and once again I thought how lucky I was to be a normal, healthy 15 year old girl. I found that being in radiotherapy was too distressing and decided to go back up to oncology but when I walked in straight away everything was different, the atmosphere had changed while I was away and I could feel it. I carried on in through the doors and as soon as I got round the corner I realized the whole of the oncology department was full of young men! To any other teenage girl this would be wonderful but to me it was scary. I turned to look and saw a young man no older than 22 sitting in a wheel chair and when it came to going to have his blood taken needed help to get up because he was so weak due to the all the treatment and the disease. I went back behind reception and carried on looking around when I was startled by a lad who slammed his arm down on the desk he looked at me and I noticed he was about the same age as me and he did not look very happy, he had another lad with him who I guessed was for moral support they both smiled at me but the smile was small and not very positive. I decided to go and sit with the lads to see if they would talk to me. I explained what I was doing and they were ok to talk to me. The lad who's name was Rikki told me he was 15 and had been diagnosed with teratoma cancer when he was just 13 and had recently had an operation to try and get rid of it after chemotherapy failed. The other lad who was there was his best mate Ashley, he had been there through everything and they were very close. He said today he had come in to find out whether they had got rid of the cancer or not but was told the chances were small, he gave me a glance his eyes looked sad but I could tell there was a glimmer of hope in there but as he explained he didn't want to get too excited for just in case the news was not good. He said he had to stay for a while because he also had to have blood tests and that he would come and see me before he went. I looked at the time and realized I had missed nearly half of my lunch! Although it was raining I wanted to go and sit outside in the fresh air so I could think and I had a chance to clear my head, I watched the people walk in and out and made the decision I would take each day as it comes because I never know what is around the corner, I also decided I would keep very busy after lunch so I could not think about it to much as deep down I was very distressed and was finding it very hard. When I had finished my lunch I went back in to find the waiting area not so packed but was still full of young men waiting to see the doctor. I went to find one of the nurses to talk to and came across Zoi, she had been in the oncology department for 2 years but was leaving soon as she wanted to finish training as a nurse because she never had the chance to do the things she had wanted. We talked about all the people and my feelings; she said the best way to deal with it is to just pretend that everyone was going to be cured and to think myself lucky it was not me. It sounded like a good idea and she also told me Audrey my supervisor wanted to see me at 3 o'clock. We went back to reception and I was asked to do some filing and pulling. This meant taking people's notes and putting them back on the shelves and getting the lists for the next week and pulling all the files for that which is hard because sometimes they are not there so I have to go to other places around the hospital. Once again when I was reading through the lists thinking about whether I had seen any of the sets of notes I was startled by a hand slamming down on the desk but this time when I looked up I saw a smiling face! It was Rikki again but this time he had the kind of smile I knew no one was going to get rid of! I asked him what the doctor said and in the most wonderful happy voice I have ever heard he said â€Å"It's gone! † I smiled at him and he carried on jumping around laughing and then proceeded to try and get me to go to the pub with him to celebrate. We chatted for a little while then I realized I had to get on with my jobs so he gave me one more very happy smile and walked off. Even with his back to me I knew he was going to be smiling for a very long time and it was going to take a lot to get rid of that smile!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Persuasive Essay

Texas legislators should pass and legalized gambling to help keeping the money inside the state and also earn more revenue through tourism and other associated industries. Compare to neighbor state Louisiana, Texas has lost millions and millions dollars per year because Texans crossing the state line for gambling habit. If gambling was legalized, the revenue from this industry would surpass any others. It would not just bring revenue and taxes from casinos but also boosting others industries such as tourism, retails, construction industry and more. Legalized gambling would create more jobs in all industries keeping the Texas stronger through unpredictable profits the state could benefit from it. Legalized gambling would stimulate the economy by creating jobs. Take Nevada for example, there were 193,000 full-time positions were opened in Clark County for hotel industry alone in 1999 (Romano). For Louisiana, a smaller state with legal gambling, also reported over 368 million in annual salaries to employees along with 20% residents ended their government assisted program by working in casino (Cannon). Looking at these two states with legal gambling, Texas could have an even better chance to make more revenue with legalizing gambling. With all the revenue generated from gamble industry, Texas could able to start more programs to help the low income families and lower the unemployment rate. Another indirect impact from legalized gambling is that more casinos, restaurants, shopping malls would be built which would boost construction industry to another level. With the growing in construction industry, the retails for dry wall, wood, cement would be rocketed. In Louisiana, â€Å"over 1. 7 billion has been invested in facility construction in Louisiana by casinos† (Cannon). Going along with the development of construction industry, the real estate industry would also grow rapidly to accommodate the needs of housing, leasing offices, hotels†¦ With the rapid grow of real estate and construction industries, restaurant and retails would be on the uprising as well. In Louisiana, â€Å"riverboats purchased over $454 million in goods and services in 2002, with over 70% of that coming from in-state vendors including computers, printing and floral arrangements† (Cannon), with all the positive indirect impacts that legalized gambling would bring to the state, the local business and retails would be expanding far from predicted and state would be collecting taxes in an increasing value. Tourism would play an important role in collecting revenue for state. The Casino Association of Louisiana estimated that over 17 million out-of-state visitors visited their casinos in 2002† (Cannon). If Texas legalizes gambling, it would bring in another 17 million per year from out-of-state visitors spending money not only in casino but also in restaurants, hotels, gas†¦ Besides bringing more tourists in to the state, Texas could help stopping the outflow of money to Louisiana casinos because more than 50% of gamble revenue in Louisiana comes from o ut-of-state, mostly from Texas (Cannon). There are countless opportunities comes with legalizing gambling in Texas. Just look at the financial benefits alone, Texas could earn another $873 million coming from out-of-state visitors spending in casino just like Louisiana. Besides increasing in revenue, legalized gambling also plays an important role in boosting other industries such as construction, retails, real estate†¦ With all the new revenue generated from legalized gamble, Texas could use that money to assist the low income families, to help the homeless people and others in needs.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mencius Essays - Philosophy, Confucianism, Ethics, Free Essays

Mencius Essays - Philosophy, Confucianism, Ethics, Free Essays Mencius The philosopher Mencius considered himself a follower of Confucius, and this is exactly what he was. He was Confuciuss greatest disciple. They were both teachers and tried very hard to influence the rulers of their day, although they both had very little luck. He was the chief architect of Confucian thought. He added components and gave others great emphasis. Mencius introduced the large component of compassion to Confucianism. He believed in the essential goodness of human nature and was highly skeptical of the government. Mencius believed that the qualities characteristic only to man were innate. These qualities were jen and yi. Confucius believed in ritual and humanity. Also religion as a motive of right conduct concerned Mencius much less than it did Confucius. Both Mencius and Confucius believed that it was the duty of a ruler to provide for the welfare of his people in both material goods and moral guidance. According to Mencius The people are the most important element in a nation; the spirits of the land and grain come next; the sovereign counts for the least. The master said He who cultivates the five treasures and eschews the five evils is fit to govern. The five treasures are being generous without having to spend which can be done by allowing people to pursue what is beneficial to them, making people work, but only reasonable tasks, ambition without rapacity, authority but no arrogance, and he is stern but not fierce. The four evils are terror, which rests on ignorance and murder. Tyranny, which demands results without proper warning. Extortion, which is conducted through contradictory orders. Bureaucracy, which begrudges people their rightful entitlements.(p.100, 20.2) Unlike Confucius, Mencius believed that if a ruler cannot provi de this for his people than the people no longer have to be loyal and if they believe strongly enough they can revolt. When Mencius found Prince Hui living in the lap of luxury while his people were perishing for lack of economic reforms he said In your kitchen there is fat meat, and in your stables their are sleek horses, while famine sits upon the faces of your people and men die of hunger in the fields. This is to be a beast and prey on your fellow men. They both believed that rulers were divinely placed in order to bring peace and order to the people they rule. The master said lead them by political maneuvers, restrain them with punishments: the people will become cunning and shameless. Lead them by virtue and restrain them with ritual: they will develop a sense of shame and a sense of participation.(p.6, 2.3) Confucius argued that the interests of the people should be first and the interests of the ruler should be last. Mencius emphasized goodness of human nature as the key to the recognition of social and political significance. As far as what is genuinely in him is concerned, a man is capable of becoming good, said Mencius. That is what I mean by good. As for his becoming bad that is not the fault of his native endowment. The heart of compassion is possessed by all men alike; likewise the heart of the heart of respect and the heart of right and wrong.(p.162, 6a6) Confucius said Is goodness out of reach? As soon as I long for goodness, goodness is at hand. They both believe that if you really want to be good you can, just by actually wanting to.(p.32, 7.30) They defiantly agree that all men have tendency to be good. Confucius spoke lots about the important things about what he was believed to be humane and Mencius expanded on the idea of humanity. The master said Whoever could spread the five practices everywhere in the world can implement humanity. Courtesy, tolerance, good faith, diligence, gener osity. Courtesy wards off insults, tolerance win all hearts, good faith inspires the trust of others, diligence ensures success, generosity confers authority upon others.(p.86, 17.6) So basically to be humane you just have to practice these five things everywhere you go to show humanity. According to Mencius people are prone to be good, he says human nature is not does not show any preferences for good or bad just as water

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Essay about forward and future

Essay about forward and future Essay about forward and future Futures and Forward: Basics ïÆ' ¼ ïÆ' ¼ ïÆ' ¼ ïÆ' ¼ Payoff Market Mechanics What drives the gains from trade? Reading: Ch. 2 What is a Derivative? Definition: A derivative is a financial instrument (contracts) whose value is based on the value of other underlying assets Type of Contract Underlying Assets Forward/ Future Investment Asset Options Commodity Swap Stock Price Interest Rate Exchange Rate †¦.. Energy: gas, Oil Corn Weather derivatives †¦. Road Map Payoff Type of Contract Underlying Assets Forward / Future Investment Asset Options Commodity Strategy Swap Pricing Fin330_Chang 3 Plans for Forwards/Futures ï  ¬ Basics ï  ¬ ï  ¬ ï  ¬ ï  ¬ Hedging Strategies (Ch.3) ï  ¬ ï  ¬ ï  ¬ Payoff and mechanics of Forward and Futures (Ch.2) What drives the gains from trade? Presentation 1: OTC vs. Centralized market How to hedge properly as a firm/trader? Presentation 2 : the use of derivatives Pricing ï  ¬ ï  ¬ Interest rates basics (Ch. 4) Arbitrage pricing (Ch. 5) Fin330_Chang 4 How Big Is the Derivative Market? Source: Bank of International Settlements ( Fin330_Chang 5 Forward Contracts ï  ¬ Definition: a binding agreement (obligation) to buy/sell an underlying asset at a predetermined date in the future, at a price set today ï  ¬ A forward contract specifies ï  ¬ ï  ¬ ï  ¬ The features and quantity of the asset to be delivered The â€Å"expiration date† The price the buyer will pay at the time of delivery: â€Å"the forward price† Agreement 0 Fin330_Chang Settlement/Delivery T time 6 Features of Forward Contracts ï  ¬ Features of Forward Contracts ï  ¬ ï  ¬ ï  ¬ ï  ¬ ï  ¬ Customized Non-standard and traded over the counter (not on exchanges) No money changes hands until maturity Non-trivial counterparty risk Futures contracts are the same as forwards in principle except for some institutional and pricing differences. Fin330_Chang 7 Notation ï  ¬ ï  ¬ ï  ¬ ï  ¬ S0: Spot price at time 0 ST: Spot price at time T F0: Forward/Futures price at time 0 T: Time until delivery date (in years) Fin330_Chang 8 Payoff on Forward Contracts ï  ¬ The payoff on a forward contract is its value at expiration. ï  ¬ Payoff on a long position = Spot price at expiration – Forward price = ST – F0 ï  ¬ Payoff on a short position = Forward price – Spot price at expiration = F 0– S T Fin330_Chang 9 Payoff on Forward Contracts ï  ¬ The payoff on a forward contract is its value at expiration. ï  ¬ ï  ¬ Fin330_Chang Agrees to buy the asset at time T Payoff on a long position = Spot price at expiration – Forward price = ST – F0 (Pay F0 and get something worth ST) Agrees to sell the asset at time T Payoff on a short position = Forward price – Spot price at expiration = F 0 – ST (Get F0 for something worth ST) 10 At expiration Payoff Diagrams Long Position: Payoff = Spot – Original Futures Price = ST – F0 (at expiration) ST Fin330_Chang Short Position: Payoff = Original Futures Price - Spot = F0 – ST (at expiration) ST 11 Cash Settlement ï  ¬ ï  ¬ An alternative settlement procedure Instead of requiring delivery of the asset, two parties make a net cash payment, which yields the same cash flow as if delivery had occurred ï  ¬ Why? ï  ¬ ï  ¬ A physical transaction likely have transaction costs Example: The stock index ST=$1040 ; F0 =$1020 ï  ¬ Fin330_Chang Net payment $20 from the short position to the long 12 Example: Gold-diggers A gold-mining firm enters a short forward contract, agreeing to sell gold at a price of $850/oz. in 1 year ï  ¬ What is the payoff on this short forward position? ï  ¬ Fin330_Chang ST 13 Questions ï  ¬ Why entering this contract? ï  ¬ Who might want to take the long position of this contract? Fin330_Chang 14 Why entering this contract?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Appearance vs. Reality, Hamlet

In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the main theme of the play is appearance versus reality. The characters within the play appear to be sincere and honourable when in reality they are corrupt and immoral. Many of the characters within the play illustrate this concept. When looking at them from behind a mask they give the impression of a person who is genuine and honest, but in reality they are plagued with lies and despicable behaviour. Four of the main characters that attempt to deceive Hamlet by hiding behind this mask are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and King Claudius. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are two of Hamlets childhood friends who are not as they appear. They are asked by the King and Gertrude to spy on Hamlet in order to find the reason behind Gertrude’s â€Å"too much changed son† (II. ii. 36). They give the appearance of being Hamlet’s friend, yet in reality, the pair only came to Elsinore because they were summoned. Surprised by his friends’ unexplained arrival, Hamlet questions what has brought them there. Rosencrantz lies when responding â€Å"To visit you my lord, no other occasion† (II. i. 266). Hamlet instantly sees through their lies and insists â€Å"you were sent for, and there / is a kind of confession in your looks†¦I know the good king and / queen have sent for you† (II. ii. 273-276). Knowing that his so-called friends are lying about the purpose of their visit, Hamlet discloses nothing to them. Having gotten no answers for the King, the two were asked to go to Hamlet once more an d continue to seek the real reason for Hamlet’s behaviour. Hamlet has little patience since being lied to and reveals to the pair that he is aware that they are spies and saying to them: [Y]ou would play upon me, you would seem to know my stops, you would pluck out the heart of my mystery, .. Call me what Instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me. † (III. iii. 343-350) Although appearing to be Hamlet’s friends, he quickly sees that in actuality, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are only trying to pry him for information. The King’s royal associate, Polonius, plays an important role in developing the theme. He’s constantly keeping up the facade of a concerned and caring individual. Polonius appears to be a good father, and honourable man. Upon learning that his son is going to France, he gives several pieces of advice to Laertes, in particular â€Å"This above all, to thine own self be true† (II. iii. 78). He gives advice in order to appear to be a caring father, when in fact he speaks in order to look good rather than to actually be good. Polonius then sends Reynaldo to bring Laertes money but instructs that â€Å"Before you visit him, to make inquire / Of his behaviour† (II. i. 4-5), and then advises him how to be sneaky about it. Throughout the play Polonius conspires with the King on ways to eavesdrop on Hamlet. When Hamlet is going to speak with his mother, Polonius suggests â€Å"Behind the arras I’ll convey myself / To hear the process† (III. iii. 28-29). Polonius acts as if his actions are for the king, when in fact it will benefit him greatly if the reason behind Hamlet’s strange behaviour is because of his love for Ophelia. Polonius also humiliates his daughter Ophelia by forcing her to read love letters from Hamlet aloud to the King and Gertrude. He tells Ophelia that it’s in her own best interest not to keep this secret. His words are those of a loving father, but his actions are quite different. Even though Polonius pretends to be moral and a loving parent, the reality is that he is a devious manipulator. Claudius, the current King of Denmark is the epitome of corruption and immorality although he presents himself to be the rightful king. King Claudius reveals his true maliciousness several times. Claudius only becomes King of Denmark after murdering his brother and marrying his sister-in-law Gertrude in an incestuous marriage. When speaking of his brothers’ death, he justifies the speedy marriage to Gertrude while appearing to have the kingdom’s best interest at heart when explaining â€Å"That we with wisest sorrow think on him / Together with remembrance of ourselves† (I. ii. 6-7). In actuality, Claudius acts out of greed to become king and out of lust for Gertrude. Claudius demeans Hamlet several times throughout the play. While Hamlet is grieving his father’s death, the heartless king requests â€Å"We pray you throw to earth / This unprevailing woe† (I. ii. 106-107), showing his deplorable behaviour by referring to Hamlet’s grief as useless. King Claudius shows his true maliciousness during his final act of manipulation. The king appeals to Laertes guilt and convinces him to kill Hamlet to avenge his father’s death by â€Å"A sword unbated, and in pass of practice / Requite him for your father† (IV. vii. 137-138). King Claudius’s selfish and despicable behaviour leads to the death of all those he had pretended to care for at one point or another: Gertrude, Hamlet, and Laertes. This final act of vengeance brings about the beginning of the end for the entire royal family. While proving that appearances can be deceiving, the characters help to develop the theme of appearance versus reality in the play. While Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and King Claudius all appear to be virtuous and honest people, the reality is that they are continually scheming and plotting against Hamlet. Although appearing to be respectable, each of them is actually tainted by evil and corruption. Unfortunately, Hamlet finds out the hard way that each of them have their own hidden agendas, and corruption spreads like disease throughout the state of Denmark.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Impact of urbanization on the climate in developing countries Research Paper

Impact of urbanization on the climate in developing countries - Research Paper Example Today, urbanization has been expanded globally. Its rapid expansion has been related to climate change; the phenomenon is more intensive in developing countries. The effects of urbanization on the climate change in developing countries are presented and analyzed in this paper. The literature related to this subject has been critically reviewed in order to identify all aspects of the relationship between urbanization and climate change, in regard to the developing countries. It is proved that urbanization is highly involved in climate change in these countries; however, the level at which urbanization has influenced the climate of developing countries is not standardized. Certain of these countries have been proved as better prepared to control the expansion of urbanization in their territory. Other countries, such as China, face difficulties in managing the effects of urbanization. Due to its radical expansion worldwide, urbanization has been extensively explored as of its environmental effects. In fact, it has been proved that urbanization can impact the environment in regard to all its elements, meaning ‘the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere’ (Joseph 2009, p.11). More specifically, under the influence of urbanization, the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere can reach extremely high levels, depending on the density of local population (Joseph 2009). At the same time, urbanization leads to the reduction of the O2 available in atmosphere, due to the limitation of green areas where O2 is produced (Joseph 2009). In terms of the hydrosphere the expansion of urbanization is reflected to the following fact: the needs for water in urban areas can be quite high (Joseph 2009). The potentials of local water depositories to respond to these needs are often limited (Joseph 2009). In addition, urbanization can affect lithosphere: extensive land areas are

Buy me buy me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Buy me buy me - Essay Example Less focus on the school commercialization does not indicate an end to it, rather it can be an indication of increases acceptance of this marketing practice. Molnar’s audience here is the district governemnt, educational institutes, parents and students. Molnar also impliedly communicates to the community and government at large. In the article we find a lack of governmental policies and their implication along with a similar blind conscience of community. By making this deficiency apparent in his article, Molnar emphasizes for the promotion of an active resistance on all levels. His persuasive argumentation is casting a strong glimmer of reprimand for the advertising industries. The objective of the article is to evoke an active resistance against the school commercialism and to make it clear that school commercialism has not disappeared yet. In the support of his stance against the prevailing misperception, as he clarifies that it may have only been due to the acceptance of increasing commercialization in educational institutes, as he mentions that "Of particular note again this year was the lack of voice in the education media on commercializing activity in schools" (Molnar and Reaves, 2001). The article’s purpose also is to jolt the authorities of educational institutes and the district governments to stir their ethical educational conscience. The school marketing is misleading the young generation and thereby jeopardizing the future of our country. Molnar aims to highlight the still prevailing unworthy cost of such commercialization, as was the case of Philio Morriss textbook program that was advertising smoking at a subliminal level (Molnar and Reaves, 2001). The article intends to evoke awareness in schools and institutions against the persuasive strategies of the industries, to make the institutes aware of the meager benefits and abundant

Descartes Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Descartes Philosophy - Essay Example The cause of the 'magnetism' is the magnet. This form of circular causal reasoning would have had been insufficient for Descartes and it is in this context of a world that is founded on such archaic Aristotelian principles that he meditates the cogito. Descartes wanted knowledge derived from natural science to have the clear and distinct properties of mathematical and geometrical concepts. Descartes presents his method in The Meditations. In order to evaluate its significance to his own philosophy it is imperative to demonstrate how he reaches the conclusion of the cogito. In order to build a proper epistemic approach to knowledge Descartes asks us to suspend our beliefs in propositions whose truth it is possible to doubt even in the slightest. As Descartes advances through the first meditation, our principles for acknowledging reality are elevated ever higher as he demolishes the capacities of recollection and the senses and even rationale in this respect. He presents three skeptica l arguments to fortify doubt, the dream argument, the interventionist creator-God and the imperfect creator/imperfect creation arguments. Discussion and Analysis The first argument, the dream argument says that there is no definite way to discern between when I am awake and when I am dreaming therefore, it is possible that I am dreaming right now and hence that all of my perceptions and sensations are false. It can be said against this that dreams are often hazy and are surreal with an unusual and we can always tell if we are able to dream. But for every notion we have of defining a boundary between dreams and being in a state of awakeness. One other problem with the dream argument as an argument for universal doubt is that it does not cause problems for self-evident 'truths' such as mathematical and geometrical concepts. To introduce the hyperbolic doubt Descartes needs to arrive at the cogito he must conceive of an argument that would make mathematics and logical validity dubitabl e. In order to do this he conceives of God as an all-powerful creator. Because of the omnipotence of God it is possible for Him to disrupt the truth of ideas we perceive as distinctly and clearly such as tautologies and analytic mathematical propositions. The first objection against this argument is that some people would not believe in a God that had sufficient power as to remove the certainty from clear and distinct ideas. Descartes reasons out of this problem by arguing that if our creator-God is less than perfect then we have even more reason to doubt because of our origins from an imperfect being. The other problem from this rebuttal is that assuming that there is a perfect God then it would be contradictory to his perfect being to deceive us. Another point, a God who deceives could have created our minds so that they could we can always have frequently or indeed always, have false thoughts. Accordingly, when we are calculating 2+2=4 and believing it to be self-evident we could be suffering an intervention from an omnipotent God to trick us to believing. It would seem that Descartes has now called even reason itself into doubt. By showing all knowledge is dubitable in the first meditation the significance of the Cogito for Descartes becomes clear. What if Descartes would be able to offer a cognitive principle that would

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Chapter 8. WE TAKE NOTHING BY CONQUEST, THANK GOD - Assignment Example Though now when everything is forgotten, and it seems absolutely habitual and reasonable that these states belong to the US as they have become its pride and attraction. While several centuries ago these events caused numerous human victims and provoked serious disputes in the society. The question if this expansion can be considered justified or it is only a byproduct of the growing America`s pride and ambitions was raised in the society. Is there any way to persuade society and church that annexing the territories belonging to other nation is a necessary step for the country? Of course, there is! Such mechanisms as provoking revenge, manipulating socialoseopinion, and telling lies worked in the circumstances and will work as long as the human race exists. I was impressed by the thoughts of Colonel Hitchcock who managed to show the essence of this conflict and express the ambiguity of this choice for the nation: â€Å"I have said from the first that the United States are the aggressors. . . . We have not one particle of right to be here. ... It looks as if the government sent a small force on purpose to bring on a war, so as to have a pretext for taking California and as much of this country as it chooses, for, whatever becomes of this army, there is no doubt of a war between the United States and Mexico. . .. My heart is not in this business ... but, as a military man, I am bound to execute orders†. So after the horrible and cunning provocation which lead to the murder of the American General the country started acting more violently and forcefully. That was the time when the concept of the â€Å"manifest destiny† appeared and Americans felt the right to decide whom to live and whom to die. It is strange how the feeling of superiority can infect even religious people. The following quote evoked strong paradoxical feelings in me: â€Å"The Reverend Theodore Parker, Unitarian minister in Boston, combined eloquent criticism of

BPO and Cloud Computing (case study) Case Study

BPO and Cloud Computing ( ) - Case Study Example These applications range from external e commerce and business to business application to internal financial and human resources. An enterprise can have one or more than one data centers. The benefits of the data centers includes supporting business operations round the clock, rapid deployment of applications and consolidation of computing resources and maintenance for sustaining business functions. Enterprises make special arrangement of both the facilities that house the equipment and personnel required for such an operation. These facilities support high concentration of network infrastructure and server resources. A data center is based on the availability of power capacity, cabling, cooling capacity, temperature and humidity control, physical security like restricted access and surveillance systems, fire and smoke systems, rack space and raised floor. Data centers support high speed communication between servers, storage and devices of storage (Arregoces & Portolani, 2004, P.21) . It also increases the availability of mirroring, clustering and replication between database systems and storage devices. These facilities helps in storing the data in multiple locations thus lowering the chances of site failure that prevents chances of normal system operations. Site failures are recovered by the replica of data at different sites thereby creating the need for distributed data centers, distributed server firms and obvious transport technologies for enabling communication between them. Data centers can be local as well as one that is located overseas. A local data center does not rely on connectivity over the internet and therefore negates a possible failure point. Local data collection, correlation and processing are easier with local data centers. Corrective actions can be immediately taken to fix problems. The closer the management components are to the source of the problems, the3 more independent the firms can be for supporting their infrastructure. Corrective management activities can be taken even if the network to the management server is down. Continuous and autonomous monitoring is possible with the help of local data centers. A local database has access to all data sources which are not remotely accessible. In addition to remote interfaces like SNMP, scripting, WMI, the local data centers also have sensors for log files, discovery information, performance data sources- basically anything that is available locally. A local data centre can perform correlation which helps in reducing flood of data into meaningful set of events. Instead of sending thousand log file records over the network to the server for analysis, local data centers filters out extraneous information and allows important problems to be sent to a centralized event console. It helps in reducing false alarms and increases the productivity and efficiency as short term peeks are ignored and no time is spent in dealing with false alarms. It also helps in suppressing dupli cate events that is based on time interval, count of similar events or both. Identical messages that occur within a very short period of time are suppressed and the first event is only forwarded to management server (Murugesan & Gangadharan, 2012, P. 21). Local actions can be executed without the intervention from the management server. The disadvantage of local data center is that keeping each client side database in sync is very difficult. Programming, administration and maintenance of data become nearly impossible. Data integrity, security, data

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Descartes Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Descartes Philosophy - Essay Example The cause of the 'magnetism' is the magnet. This form of circular causal reasoning would have had been insufficient for Descartes and it is in this context of a world that is founded on such archaic Aristotelian principles that he meditates the cogito. Descartes wanted knowledge derived from natural science to have the clear and distinct properties of mathematical and geometrical concepts. Descartes presents his method in The Meditations. In order to evaluate its significance to his own philosophy it is imperative to demonstrate how he reaches the conclusion of the cogito. In order to build a proper epistemic approach to knowledge Descartes asks us to suspend our beliefs in propositions whose truth it is possible to doubt even in the slightest. As Descartes advances through the first meditation, our principles for acknowledging reality are elevated ever higher as he demolishes the capacities of recollection and the senses and even rationale in this respect. He presents three skeptica l arguments to fortify doubt, the dream argument, the interventionist creator-God and the imperfect creator/imperfect creation arguments. Discussion and Analysis The first argument, the dream argument says that there is no definite way to discern between when I am awake and when I am dreaming therefore, it is possible that I am dreaming right now and hence that all of my perceptions and sensations are false. It can be said against this that dreams are often hazy and are surreal with an unusual and we can always tell if we are able to dream. But for every notion we have of defining a boundary between dreams and being in a state of awakeness. One other problem with the dream argument as an argument for universal doubt is that it does not cause problems for self-evident 'truths' such as mathematical and geometrical concepts. To introduce the hyperbolic doubt Descartes needs to arrive at the cogito he must conceive of an argument that would make mathematics and logical validity dubitabl e. In order to do this he conceives of God as an all-powerful creator. Because of the omnipotence of God it is possible for Him to disrupt the truth of ideas we perceive as distinctly and clearly such as tautologies and analytic mathematical propositions. The first objection against this argument is that some people would not believe in a God that had sufficient power as to remove the certainty from clear and distinct ideas. Descartes reasons out of this problem by arguing that if our creator-God is less than perfect then we have even more reason to doubt because of our origins from an imperfect being. The other problem from this rebuttal is that assuming that there is a perfect God then it would be contradictory to his perfect being to deceive us. Another point, a God who deceives could have created our minds so that they could we can always have frequently or indeed always, have false thoughts. Accordingly, when we are calculating 2+2=4 and believing it to be self-evident we could be suffering an intervention from an omnipotent God to trick us to believing. It would seem that Descartes has now called even reason itself into doubt. By showing all knowledge is dubitable in the first meditation the significance of the Cogito for Descartes becomes clear. What if Descartes would be able to offer a cognitive principle that would

BPO and Cloud Computing (case study) Case Study

BPO and Cloud Computing ( ) - Case Study Example These applications range from external e commerce and business to business application to internal financial and human resources. An enterprise can have one or more than one data centers. The benefits of the data centers includes supporting business operations round the clock, rapid deployment of applications and consolidation of computing resources and maintenance for sustaining business functions. Enterprises make special arrangement of both the facilities that house the equipment and personnel required for such an operation. These facilities support high concentration of network infrastructure and server resources. A data center is based on the availability of power capacity, cabling, cooling capacity, temperature and humidity control, physical security like restricted access and surveillance systems, fire and smoke systems, rack space and raised floor. Data centers support high speed communication between servers, storage and devices of storage (Arregoces & Portolani, 2004, P.21) . It also increases the availability of mirroring, clustering and replication between database systems and storage devices. These facilities helps in storing the data in multiple locations thus lowering the chances of site failure that prevents chances of normal system operations. Site failures are recovered by the replica of data at different sites thereby creating the need for distributed data centers, distributed server firms and obvious transport technologies for enabling communication between them. Data centers can be local as well as one that is located overseas. A local data center does not rely on connectivity over the internet and therefore negates a possible failure point. Local data collection, correlation and processing are easier with local data centers. Corrective actions can be immediately taken to fix problems. The closer the management components are to the source of the problems, the3 more independent the firms can be for supporting their infrastructure. Corrective management activities can be taken even if the network to the management server is down. Continuous and autonomous monitoring is possible with the help of local data centers. A local database has access to all data sources which are not remotely accessible. In addition to remote interfaces like SNMP, scripting, WMI, the local data centers also have sensors for log files, discovery information, performance data sources- basically anything that is available locally. A local data centre can perform correlation which helps in reducing flood of data into meaningful set of events. Instead of sending thousand log file records over the network to the server for analysis, local data centers filters out extraneous information and allows important problems to be sent to a centralized event console. It helps in reducing false alarms and increases the productivity and efficiency as short term peeks are ignored and no time is spent in dealing with false alarms. It also helps in suppressing dupli cate events that is based on time interval, count of similar events or both. Identical messages that occur within a very short period of time are suppressed and the first event is only forwarded to management server (Murugesan & Gangadharan, 2012, P. 21). Local actions can be executed without the intervention from the management server. The disadvantage of local data center is that keeping each client side database in sync is very difficult. Programming, administration and maintenance of data become nearly impossible. Data integrity, security, data

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Course Project Rough Draft Essay Example for Free

Course Project Rough Draft Essay I have learned a lot in achieving goals, time preferences, and pathways of learning; analyze statements, types of thinking, reading and information literacy, bring something new to taking notes, explores types of memory, diversity, communication and stress management, managing money and reflections so I can be successful in my education. In this class I have been giving good tips on every aspect on criminal justice. It also makes me know that it is to learn all the important information in the class so I can success in my education. I am a Verbal-Linguistic and more of a reader/writer then visual person. I have learned all the ends and out of criminal justice. This class has benefited me in every aspect in my life. I am not only motivated to make a difference in the communities, but also motivated to join the ranks of a new family. I chose this path because I have always enjoyed the idea of solving situations. I can honestly say I can’t imagine myself doing anything else because I am extremely fascinated by the role and intensity of these fields. Just watching what it takes to do their job is remarkable. That’s why I love this class so much because it’s a learning process for me and my life. It makes my family so proud of me that I’m taking criminal justice and going forward with my education. So all I have to do is stay with it so I can success in this degree.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bill of Rights Impact and Causes

Bill of Rights Impact and Causes Brandon Huff The Bill of Rights are the first ten Amendments in the Constitution, and were created for greater constitutional protections of our individual rights. These were written by James Madison, a member of the House of Representatives at the time. There were two parties at the time, the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists believed that they did not need a Bill of Rights because the people and states had the powers not given to the government. While the Anti-Federalists believed that it was absolutely necessary to have, and was needed to protect the individuals rights. While Madison was writing these Amendments, it was argued that Congress couldnt change the constitution, so Madison proposed they be added on as Amendments. Madison wrote twenty amendments and of those the House approved seventeen of them. From there they were sent to the Senate where only twelve survived. Of those twelve sent to the states, only ten passed. These amendments are a list of limits on government power. This means that a right that was seen as a natural are protected with this document The Amendments include freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, no soldier shall live in the house of a citizen without consent, the right against unreasonable searches to house, car, self, and effects; the right to not be tried of the same offense twice, the right to a quick trial by an impartial jury, the right of trial by jury of an offense over twenty dollars, no excessive bail or unreasonable punishments, the enumeration of certain rights may not be construed, and the powers not delegated nor given to the states by the Constitution are the rights of the states. These rights given to us will always be ours and nothing can take them away from us. But why did the they choose only these amendments to ratify and use for our Bill of Rights? Each of those who voted and ratified these believed that these were unalienable rights given to us by God and therefore, shouldnt be controlled by the government. These are right that were put on paper to prevent the government from taking over the country and trying to take our rights away.   Each of these amendments protects very specific things, that as a nation we will need in order to keep the big government in check. Lets look at each amendment individually and see why it would be chosen. The first amendment protects our right to exercise our religion, speech, peaceful assembly, and press. This means that no matter what you believe in, you can believe it in the open and not having to fear the government is going to come after you. Next, you can say what you want where you want, though it probably isnt the best idea all the time. You can also write in the papers, or say on the news what you believe about certain things and it wont be taken out or edited. Last, we can gather in protest of something anywhere as long as it is a peaceful and controlled protest. This freedom allows us to keep the government in check and allows us as the people to offer changes or things we believe will help the country. Next, our right to bear arms. This seems pretty self-explanatory, if the need arises we can protect ourselves. Whether that mean from an intruder, or an attacker, or even from the government itself. This is probably one of the most important things given to us as a people, because protecting ourselves is not an option in a lot of other places around the world. Our third right is the right we have to our own house. A soldier cant come and live on our house during a time of war unless given permission. This doesnt really apply to todays world, but when it was made people attacking and fighting on American soil. So, it was only obvious that they would make one stating the privacy you have within your home. Fourth is the right that protects us, our property, and belongings from being unreasonably searched, or without a warrant. This is very important because without it the government could just take and go through whatever they want to without a reason. This protects the right to privacy and ownership. The idea that you own something and have the ability to say no is a very good thing to have. Our fifth right is the right we have to avoid being charged the same offense twice. If we have been accused and proven not guilty, we wont be tried again for the same crime. It also protects our other basic rights listed above, such as the thing of ones property. This is one that is not well known and is underestimated in its importance, but is a crucial part of the Bill of Rights. Next, is the right to a speedy trial and the ability to have someone able represent them in a court of law. It also protects against people that would be trying to influence you as a witness, or someone who wants to do you harm. This protection and help in the courts is very important even now as people still try to change the minds of those involved with trials and so forth. The seventh goes along with the previous two in a sense it involves the courts. Any crime exceeding went dollars must go through a court and have a trial. This helps prevent unjust rulings by one or another in   the sense that they must be a jury to decide what happens. Since most every crime exceeds twenty dollars almost every crime is done through our legal system. This is the best way to do things because our legal system is very through and very good. Next is our right to not have an excessive bail set for our release form jail. It must be appropriate with the crime committed, we dont need to worry about a million dollar bail if all we did was graffiti. This is for us as a people to feel like we can still have some hope of getting out early, whether or not thats what we need is something else entirely. The ninth amendment protects us from having all of our other ones being misinterpreted. Some people will try to pretend they dont know what our rights mean, or will try to violate them even if do not know they are. This will protect us from that and if one is caught misinterpreting our rights they receive and just punishment. Our last right states that any power not delegated to the United States by the Constitution is given to the states. This prevents the government controlling everything in all the states all the time. It gives the states a right to control a more local area and it helps keep an eye on the government. With each state having its own rights they can watch and keep the government in check. Now, of all of the amendments proposed to be in this Bill of Rights, the people chose these ten. They couldnt have chosen better. These are the very things that, if not specifically given to us as the people and the stats themselves; that the government might want to control at a later date. This Bill of Rights is a very important part of the United States and helps keep this country free and allows it to be run by the people. Without the foresight of our early leaders and the compromise they came to in the making of this document, America might be a very different place. I believe that this document helped shape the nation into what it is today. Without these rights given to us we couldnt do some things that we needed to do, nor could we guarantee that we would be safe from corrupt and unlawful people and trials. With these set in place we can have protection from corrupt people, are able to watch the government, and are free to protect ourselves from more upfront threats. These give us security in our nation and knowing that we the people have the power to make this country what it is. We elect our leaders, we elect our representatives, we elect all of the people in any position of power. If they dont do a good job we elect someone else, but it is always our choice who is in charge. That is a luxury that many nations dont have, and we as a people have forgotten how important it truly is. By reading this people can realize what we have in this country and how much we can really do for it. People act like they cant do anything so why bother, or some try to change things that doesnt need to or the have no control over. We need to go back and read what we can do, what we cant and all work together to make this country better for all.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dame Ragnell and Alisons Tale :: Canterbury Tales Essays

Dame Ragnell and Alison's Tale In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, the Wife of Bath (Alison) teaches her audience what it is women most desire through her tale. The tale she tells resembles the tale of Dame Ragnell. These stories are analogies, perhaps both arising from a similar folk-tale source. Both stories are set in the magical Arthurian times when the fields and forests teemed with gnomes and unearthly creatures. Although both stories have the same moral and end on similar note, there are some vivid differences that we simply cannot overlook. It is very possible that Alison's tale is a custom tailored version of the Dame Ragnell story. The knight in "The Wife of Bath's Tale" is portrayed as a selfish hedonist whose behavior is anything but courteous. It seems as if Alison twists the story of Dame Ragnell to suit her own selfish needs and makes the point that "men are scum" for her tale begins with a noble knight of king Arthur's court raping a maiden: And so bifel it that King Arthour Hadde in his hous a lusty bacheler That on a day cam riding fro river, And happed that, alone as he was born, He sawgh a maide walking him biforn; Of which maide anoon, maugree hir heed, By very force he rafte hir maidenheed; Norton, 888-894. As a result of the knight's behavior, the queen gives the knight an ultimatum. He now must find "what thing it is that wommen most desiren" within a twelve months time frame (Norton, 911). Alison does not depict the knight in the nicest light. I guess she is the one "painting the lion" in this case. Unlike "The Wife of Bath's Tale," the story of Dame Ragnell portrays Sir Gawain as an exemplary hero who is loyal to his King beyond belief. Sir Gawain promises to marry the loathsome Dame Ragnell in order to save the King's life and illustrates his devotion to the king by following up on his promise. When King Arthur gives Gawain the horrific description of the foulest maiden ever seen by men and poses the question to Gawain, Sir Gawain's reaction is the quintessence of loyalty: 'Gawen, I met today with the foulest lady That evere I sawe sertenly. She said to me my life she wold save†¦ But first she wold thee to husbond have. Wherfor I am wo begon- Thus in my hart I make my mone.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Assessing Learners Needs in Education Essay example -- essays research

Units 101 &105 In this essay I shall be examining the importance of accurate initial assessment of learner’s needs. In order to do this it is necessary to correctly identify my learners so that appropriate teaching methods can be structured for them. From there, I shall explore how to best support learners throughout their period of study, both in terms of educational support, and in terms of developing their self confidence. The students I teach are studying toward a 2 year diploma in Creative Sound Engineering & Music Technology at Deep Blue Sound (DBS). It is common for the learners to come from a fairly narrow section of society. Broadly speaking, learners are male, and fall into the 16-25 age range, although there is also at least one learner in his late forties. Group sizes average between 8 and 14. The learner’s first point of contact, and assessment, comes through their application. This will provide us with clues to the potential needs of the student, including their age (and need for supervision), current understanding of the subject, and any appropriate experience or qualifications they may have. From here candidates are invited to an interview, where they are given a full tour of the facilities along with an overview of the structure of the course. The interview stage allows us to assess both their suitability for the course, both in terms of attitude and ability, and gives us an insight into their expectations and requirements, and their potential barriers to learning. For example, those who are not school leavers may well have obstacles to learning that their school-leaving counterparts do not share. As Armitage (1999) observes: â€Å"(Having a continuous learning experience from the age of 5) is generally not the case for the adult learner who may not have been involved in a formal education experience for some time and whose knowledge and expectations of education may only be based on their own school experience. Equally, the adult re-entering the education system at any level has many more outside responsibilities and pressures than the younger FE or HE student.† Applicants will also be tested at this stage for computer literacy. During the enrolment procedure, learners are assessed for literacy using the Smog Readability Formula (McLaughlin, G. 1969: 639-646), in order to bring to light, amongst other things, potential learning dif... ...o all handouts and project briefs in electronic format, so that his computer is able to read them back to him. Once this trust has been established, the line of communication between student and teacher becomes much more free-flowing, effectively facilitating the tutor’s ongoing assessment of the class. In conclusion, in order for us to guarantee a successful and enjoyable learning experience for the student, we must accurately assess the individual needs of the learner, and be aware of how dynamic these needs can be. Through maintaining open channels of communication between students and staff, and by providing the student with a safe place to learn, we can adapt our teaching styles to grow with the changing needs of the learner, as well as providing helpful and meaningful support for them, ensuring they receive the most effective training possible whilst studying on the course. Bibliography Armitage, A. (1999) Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education, 2nd Ed, King’s Lynn: OUP. P63 McLaughlin, G. (1969), SMOG grading: A new readability formula. Journal of Reading, 12 (8) 639-646 Petty, G. (2004), Teaching Today, 4th Ed, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. P201

Friday, October 11, 2019

Goals Of Human Service Essay

A human service practitioner is a professional who acts as an agent to assist and or empower individuals, groups, families and communities to prevent, alleviate or better cope with crisis, change and stress to enable them to function more effectively in all areas of life and living. It must seem like that would be hard to earn a degree in a field that involves so much, right? GUESS WHAT?! It is not hard to earn a degree in Human Service nor is it a career that is difficult if you love helping others succeed and wish to improve society. The following brochure will walk you through what it takes to become an outstanding human service provider! The goal of the human service professional is to enable people to live more satisfying, and more productive lives, through the utilization of society’s knowledge, resources, and technical innovations. Of course there are major characteristics that one must have to help reach these goals; -Empathy – Patience – Understanding – Strong work ethic -Effective helpers are also sensitive to culture and religion – Able to work among and understand diversity ABOVE ALL, A GREAT HUMAN SERVICE PROVIDER DEVOTES THEIR LIFE TO HELPING OTHERS! Major generic knowledge, skills and attitudes that appear to be required in all human service work. The training and preparation of the individual worker within this framework will change as a function of the work setting, the specific client population served, and the level of organization work. Understanding the nature of human systems: individual, group, organization, community and society, and their major interactions. Knowing the conditions which promote or limit optimal functioning and classes of deviations from desired functioning in the major human systems. Skill in identifying and selecting interventions which promote growth and goal attainment. Because so many human services jobs involve direct contact with people who are impaired and therefore vulnerable to exploitation, employers try to be selective in hiring. Applicants are screened for appropriate personal  qualifications.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Agriculture and Environment Essay

INTRODUCTION The word rag – means torn clothes. Due to some or other reasons, we have cultivated an environment, where some students believe that they are seniors and therefore they have the right to be respected. There is a false sense of hierarchy, particularly in Indian mindset. There are false notions of superiority. It is a fact that this kind of ego or hierarchy is destructive at all levels. A person today wont respect his teacher or his parents, if he/ she is tortured by that – so what to talk about ragging. Respect and human dignity is a fundamental right of every person. The false notions of hierarchy and self importance, creates a spirit of ragging – where some people force others to respect them and play at their desires. RAGGING IN INSTITUTIONS When a person joins a new institution, the person is already afraid, nervous and disturbed. In such a position, the person needs mental support – and this person is vulnerable at this stage – because he / she is in a stage of transition. He must get support from teachers and all concerned. I am against the use of senior or junior words – in an academic environment, where we wish to promote equality, fraternity – every one is equal – so this kind of spirit – the spirit of junior or senior will kill this equality which is required for true academic ambiance. True academic environment develops, where there is complete fraternity – and even teachers and directors treat others as mature human beings and give them due dignity. For cultivating mutual respect, mutual understanding – we need an environment – where people try to offer space to every person and extend a willing helping hand. True understanding develops out of close interaction and collective efforts in some focused directions. We can create a true group environment by cultivating a goal orientation and by forming groups –where people join together across different disciplines and different backgrounds. RAGGING TO AVOID FEAR Ragging is a very heinous practice – in the name of introduction. Introduction must be there- but it must start from the seniors. The junior shave to get love from seniors – then only we will find equality and fraternity. It is like giving love to a new bride in a home – where everyone surrounds the new bride and gives her due care – so that she feels at home. A new student also needs similar love and care and we can create a truly friendly entombment. The heads of the institutions must take positive initiatives for creating introduction between different students and must form voluntary groups. If the heads of the institutions – don’t care for all these – the students create evil practices like ragging – therefore truly the heads of the institutions are responsible for not cultivating the right environment of mutual collaboration, trust, and openness among the academic fraternity and for creating an ambiance for proper inductio n of a new student . SHOULD THERE BE RAGGING OR NOT a marginal level of introduction may be there – but it should not hurt any persons’ feelings. It is just for enjoyment it should be light. In a professional institution every person should be able to interact with each other it is possible if they introduce each other if they introduce each other they are able to interact better. If there is no ragging the interaction will be less ,ragging will foster interaction, seniors will be able to help their juniors the students will be able to help each others. It is a positive activity for promoting interaction among students it will create a family environment. But now a days in some institutions, anti-social elements are using ragging as a cheap activity. RAGGING A RIVALRY There are many ways to promote interaction. The word rag means use of force when you are using forcing a person to interact it will not work. Ragging must be completely eliminated from institutions it is destruction of a goodculture. It creates gap between seniors and juniors – people want equality and friendly environment – ragging only creates levels and gaps. A person will get depressed and frustrated if that person finds a very depressing environment like ragging. Some students don’t go to college in fear of their seniors. Ragging is completely against the juniors. The seniors force their juniors to do many things in the name of entertainment. When these juniors are able to get united, they start fighting with their seniors and there is rivalry. If we are talking about professional institutions, we should create a helping environment – there are many ways the students can interact with each others and help them in their development. If seniors want, th ey can help their juniors in their development – without ragging. RAGGING IN THE WRONG PATH Ragging is fear causing. The world is full of risks and fear and we have to get prepared to face the world. We have to face the real world. We have to face these challenges and we have to accept these challenges. We are saying that ragging must be removed – but how will you remove fear from the world. Ragging prepares you to face the real world. Introduction is different from ragging how will a junior remember a senior in positive terms if he remembers that he was tortured by the senior. If one want to learn professional manners he can use positive manners and friendly environment. We can tell them in a friendly environment , ragging is not useful for this purpose. It creates mental tensions. CONCLUSION Ragging has completely changed due to ragging there are cases of deaths even and so ragging must change , many institutions have completely banned ragging. AICTE and government have also banned ragging.